FXWars! Bonfire - Progress

Here is my progress on the FXWars bonfire challenge for CGSociety.
I quickly created a scene for my bonfire as well as modeled some logs and pallets and then added some lighting.

After my scene setup I started on the Fire using FumeFX. Here's my first test render I did.
As you can see the scaling of the fire is a bit off as well as the motion is far too slow. I also didn't like the fact that the fire on the ground extended past the logs, so I needed to make the intensity map smaller. Although it's not great it is a good base to start from.

I did another simulation making a few adjustments which got me closer to what I was looking for. Again it was extended a bit too much at the base and needed to be brought in as well as this one had far too much turbulence. Here's a test frame from that render.

From here it was only a few small changes needed to get my final result.
