Advanced FumeFX Workshop: Week 2

Week 2's Assignment was a lot more challengeing and fun to do. We needed to create a piece of paper burning.
The Lesson this week was Very basic and touched on using Masks to emit fire and then animating those masks to create the burning effect. I decided to expand quite a bit from what was taught and created multiple masks using radial gradient ramps with slight offsets to create my fire mask and then a similar mask animated and attached to a volume select modifier to remove the polygons once the fire has burnt the page.

I was quite surprised at how complex this effect turned out to be as there was also multiple shaders needed with animated masks blending between them. I also had a few different meshes that would leave behind pieces of burnt paper. This effect required quite a lot of prep time before even starting to simulate the fire, so I ended up simulating a slightly lower res grid to make sure I finished on time.